When you Create you are sharing Positive Energy with everyone around you! Create with Passion, Give with Graditude, Live with Laughter! Steph

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Creativity Bully

Life is a funny thing sometimes. And well if it wasn't... what would we have to laugh at LOL. Sometimes it's not so funny. And I'm gonna say a lot of that has to do with negative people and creativity smashers! Of course being a person that promotes the importance of keeping Art alive I have a sour spot for people who put down other Creative Spirits. Which is what this post is all about. The Creativity Bully.

So before you read this know that I started to put a disclaimer that I in no way mean to say that this type of bullying is in anyway compared to other types of bullying. Uh, Bullying in anyway shape or form is bad! Period! Mental bullying can alter a persons life, self esteem and energetic presence!

The other night I listened to a lady talk about being bullied by her own parents. They bullied her with words from the time she was small, telling her that she would never amount to anything, her Art was stupid, her ideas were stupid, her actions were stupid. Now being a person who has experienced the same as a young person I feel for her and understand. My end of the conversation was understanding but also pointed out that now it's her time and if she doesn't do what her heart leads her to do she's still being bullied. By her memories and herself.

Sometimes in the face of whatever life we have accepted we tend to forget that we actually have power. We have control over our own lives, unless we've given that power up. This lady is beautiful, creative and successful and yet couldn't bring herself to create the kind of Art she wanted to for being haunted (bullied) by memories from a long ago time by people who didn't or didn't want to understand. My words to her "They don't need to understand! You Do!  You are controlling which way you go with life and creativity." I even offered to share some of my Art supplies with her. "I'll think about it" she says.   My work there was done (because at that point I found myself almost begging her to be true to her spirit). But I did let her know that I'm here aytime she needs to talk, listen or share Artsy Fartsy stuff!

If you have the opportunity to inspire and motivate someone to live their Dreams, please do. It may seem like a really small thing to you but to that person that has no support in their Dreams it will mean the world.

I'm not saying this answer is the end all, of course it's not. There are lots of ways of bullying. And I'm against every single one of them. I'm only offering a little advice from experience.

Follow Your Dreams

Note: I was a bullied child, taking mental, verbal abuse and physical abuse until a Bully told me that as long as I accepted it was as long as I'd receive it. Taking control of your beliefs and Dreams is the beginning of the way out and the entrance to your own Journey! In reality no matter what we say or do there will always be people out there who are miserable and sad and negative and want other people to share in their funk. Don't give up the Funk!!! tee hee hee. Seriously, life is a gift. Why on earth shouldn't you be able to enjoy that gift and use that gift. Be strong and use your power! I'm just saying!

Step with Power

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lost In Thought...Intentionally!

I remember joking that I'd get so 'Lost In Thought I Couldn't Find My Way Out!' Well now I realize it's not only not a joke but I like it that way LOL sometimes. Okay the times when I can afford to be hanging out in La La Land. And the times when I can't are just another story and another blog and another day LOL.

Sometimes La La Land is the place you outta go, gotta go! Not La La like 'I don't know my name' but La La like 'Yaaay I can Dream In Color! I can see things other people can't! I can Dream up some funky stuff and make it do creative things! I can ignore Misery and friends Negativity, Boredom and Stupid' That kind of La La Land. Because the truth is, we all need a place we can go to find ourselves. And as you well know, sometimes we have to reach for the closest and most immediate.  Being able to visit that center of you that allows you to enjoy, create, laugh and live your life to the fullest in spite of obstacles that make block your path!

So write yourself a ticket and use it whenever you need to escape and rejuvenate. Whenever refreshing is not only an option but a must! When I go to La La Land I create some way out Art LOL. Sometimes goofy, sometimes thought provoking and maybe even a little strange sometimes, but always happy about it because I created it in my own La La Land.

Okay, so you read this and possibly thought "What in the Hell is this woman talking about!?" LOL You don't know???  I'm just saying...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Comfort Zone

Today someone asked if Art is my Comfort Zone. Oddly I was surprised because the person has known me for years and I wondered how that could have not been apparent.  Art is my world, my center and my zen. It's my motive for most things I do. It's the reason I take crap from work and people sometimes tee hee (just being real). I guess yes, it is my Comfort Zone.  Recognizing that made it even more Comfortable. Realizing that it is who and what I am, and yes I did say that, out loud, makes it more comfortable.

So this is what Wikipedia says about the Comfort Zone
The comfort zone is a behavioural state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk A person's personality can be described by his or her comfort zones. Highly successful persons may routinely step outside their comfort zones, to accomplish what they wish. A comfort zone is a type of mental conditioning that causes a person to create and operate mental boundaries. Such boundaries create an unfounded sense of security. Like inertia, a person who has established a comfort zone in a particular axis of his or her life, will tend to stay within that zone without stepping outside of it. To step outside a comfort zone, a person must experiment with new and different behaviours, and then experience the new and different responses that then occur within their environment.  AND, THAT ANSWERS MY QUESTION.

So what is your Creative Comfort Zone? What makes you so sure it's your Comfort Zone? The feelings? The way you operate in life? How do you operate outside of your Comfort Zone? Is life better in the Zone and exactly what the hek do you do in there?

For the most part, this post was me thinking out loud LOL. But it does make one think. I know my Comfort Zone and unfortunately I've become so spoiled and comfortable that when I am forced to step outside of it, me no like! I operate, but I don't think I like it LOL.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Living On The Edge of Art

I'm going to assume that as an Artist/Creative Person you have heard more than once that you really need to take care of yourself because as most people that are extremely passionate about what they do know, we tend to slip into the Creative Abyss when it comes to taking good care. And by good care I mean... Have you ever spent so much time doing what you love that you tend to over look a meal here and there and here again? Have you ever been so tied to what you were doing that you forgot important things like appointments, actions, obligations? Have you ever fallen asleep with a paintbrush in your hand, or your arms wrapped around your guitar? Ok truth, I fell asleep holding a glue gun! Yikes!
So the question is, how do you take care of yourself? How do you tell your Creative Brain that it's time to call it a rest? How much of your health have you sacraficed in the name of 'Creativity'? It's very easy to become isolated and stalled at a certain point on the Journey. Very easy! Sometimes Creativity serves as an escape, a release, a walk on the other side of the moon. 

The fact is, you are obligated to take care of yourself! Well if you don't, how will you continue to create, to share your good energy and beautiful creativity? Ok, I'm also speaking from experience and a constant re-lesson LOL. Too busy working for other people and focusing on making my dreams happen lead to what I thought was non stop allergies turning into Severe Sinus Infection, no joke. So right now as bad as I want to paint, I'm too tired from the meds and hoping I learned this lesson this time LOL. So look at it as a high priority appointment you have with yourself for at least a few minutes every day. Stop, Chill and Take care of your Spirit!  I'm just saying!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I'm Just Saying!

Well hello there! Welcome to my new Blog! I'm Just Saying! Because in reality... we're all Just Saying!

Have you ever felt like you were Dumpster Diving in your own life? Like pulling out stuff that should have been gone a long time ago but keeps surfacing because well...you keep dredging it up! Maybe a form of Mental Hoarding? Hmmm is that a condition? If you don't feel like that anymore, Congratulations! If you do, I feel you! Unfortunately thats a natural activity and it's possible most of the population does it. Part of it because of memories (the ones that overshadow the real deal) and part because of habit, the familiar. Like pulling up memories of an old and outdated relationship. Yeah there may have been good times but the outcome would indicate that there were also some uncessary times. Or old ways and habits. Old ideas. Whatever the case, lessons were learned and the road has been cleared for more :-) Life is good that way.

Blogging is so many things to so many people. To me it's being able to share, mostly Art, but also life and the colorful creative stuff that comes with it. It's the ability to connect with people you may have never connected with before. It's a place to shine...or not. You can create a world, a group, a vibe, a thing. You can display your creative outpourings, get opinions or share opinions...and even though we all know what they say about opions (lol) sometimes there are actually people out there that value your opinion. I do. As long as it's not negative! :-) And that's where we are here! Just Saying...but with positivity, even sometimes in a roundabout way :-) So if you're just saying....about Life Lovingly, Colorfully, Happily and Creatively, feel free to Say it here! :-)

Have you ever heard someone (or me LOL) say 'He/She likes the sound of their own voice'? You know what..in the right context that's a good thing! We should like the sound of our own voices. How do you passionately share and reach without being moved yourself?

Positive Energy is a powerful thing. Say it out loud. Listen to yourself, over and over again. Then make it happen! I'M JUST SAYING!

What are you 'Just Saying' today?